2023 State of the Industry

The 2023 State of the Industry has landed!

Ready to discover experiences and insights from the EV charging industry?

Interest in the EV transition has never been greater. ChargeUp Europe has prepared this report, in collaboration with P3 Automotive, to provide insights and facts in an accessible and readable manner to help everyone understand the current state of the industry.

Our Campaigns

Our positions

  • Leveraging the growth-inducing power of the single market, by introducing a type- approval for EV chargers and implementing a regulatory simplification effort (“refit 2.0” for the twin green and digital transitions).

    Building an EU grid fit for the electrification agenda, supporting investments in grids and fully leveraging the benefits of smart charging to accelerate the integration of the energy, transport and digital sectors.

    Integrating widely accepted open, EU-industry led standards and protocols OCPP and OCPI into EU legal frameworks, emulating the US.

    Alleviating pressure on staff shortages by implementing an ambitious standardisation and regulatory simplification agenda to maximise efficiency gains along the value chain.

    Supporting system integration (in particular energy, digital and transport) with a reformed institutional set-up, building on the successful US example of the US Joint Office of Transportation and Energy.

  • Enable manufacturers to indicate the expected product lifetime and ensure a differential treatment B2B and B2C products.

    Make more and better use of standards from compliance purposes, especially critical products.

    Ensure coherence with other digital legislation for the reporting obligations.

EPBD & eMobility: Invest now and save later - Advancing eMobility via the EPBD

  • Ensure pre-cabling requirements to accelerate EV uptake.

    A strong right to plug as a standard that guarantees the accessibility of EV charging.

    Private charging stations should be digitally connected and smart charging capable.

  • Availability of space to build charging sites (including fast permitting and planning procedures), access to sufficient power supply in a timely manner, the actual charging demand from a growing number of electric trucks and software standards are the critical enablers that can make or break electrification of HDVs.