Becoming a Member
Do you want to join us and build Europe’s EV charging ecosystem together? Please review our membership criteria and send us an email at secretariat@chargeupeurope.eu.
Membership Categories
Full Industry Members
This is our core membership category and is for companies, a significant amount of whose commercial activities and/or strategic focus relate to the manufacturing, development, design, operation or investment in electric vehicle charging. Industry members agree with and commit to the foundational values of ChargeUp Europe.
Ecosystem Partners
Composed of companies or organizations active in the electric vehicle charging value chain but who do not fulfill the definition of Industry Member.
Knowledge Partners
This is a category for academic and research institutions, consultancies, technical experts and not-for profit initiatives which contribute valuable knowledge and expertise to support the roll-out and development of the electric vehicle charging ecosystem throughout Europe.
Membership criteria
All members, associates and observers should subscribe to the Foundational values of ChargeUp Europe. Additional criteria for full industry members and associate members include:
Commitment to an open EV market endorsed by open industry supported specifications and protocols such as OCPP and OCPI, and formal standards from e.g. IEC, ISO SAE, et. al. no lock-ins and freedom of choice of energy supplier.
Commitment to making e-mobility market a success through investment in e-mobility infrastructure and its value chain (CPO, EMSP, hardware manufacturers) and delivering a seamless driver experiences for consumers.
Commercial activities in Europe which may include but are not limited to:
A European head office;
A consumer-facing presence in more than one market in the EU/EEA/EFTA/UK;
Investment in infrastructure and/or infrastructure build-out in Europe;
Employees on the payroll in European countries;
R&D activities in Europe.
Commitment to pursue end-to-end cybersecurity so as to sustain operation of EV charging services below a defined acceptable risk level.
Commitment to price transparency and interoperability.
Membership Inquiry
If your interested in becoming a member please send an email to secretariat@chargeupeurope.eu