Charge Smarter, Not Harder: Unlocking the Potential of Smart EV Charging for European Grids and Consumers

With more and more Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the streets, higher use of electricity in buildings and industry, and increasing electricity production from Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) such as wind and solar, network system operators will need to invest massively to upgrade and modernize the grid to maintain supply and demand in balance and to ensure the grid’s resilience and security.​

Smart charging has a key role to play in optimizing the use of the existing grid capacity. It can adapt EV charging to the needs of grids and consumers and distribute electricity to as many cars as possible. 

Currently, the full potential of smart charging is untapped due to inadequate regulatory frameworks and the nascent state of bidirectional charging technology. To unlock its full potential, existing barriers must be removed. Recent EU legislation is a step in the right direction, but effective implementation is crucial.

In this paper, ChargeUp Europe highlights the benefits of smart charging in the EV sector and the steps that must be taken to overcome legislative barriers and ensure its effective rollout on both a European and national level.

You can read the full paper on smart charging here.


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