The importance of including EVroaming in AFIR

The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) will shape public electric vehicle charging in Europe for the next decade. It offers the opportunity to create a driver centric EV charging framework that ensures widespread charging availability across the EU and promotes innovation and energy system integration. It can empower drivers to control their charging behaviour and optimise their energy consumption in a way that costs the least and is the most environmentally and energy efficient. This also contributes to some of the key efficiency goals of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) recast.

To deliver on this opportunity it is critical that the legislation enables solutions that maximise the potential of EV charging in terms of consumer and environmental benefits, and broad energy system integration. In this regard, one of the key solutions is the EV charging subscription and roaming model, which is today a popular solution for payment for charging sessions all over Europe.

Read the full paper here.


The need to remove PIN-pad obligations for EV charging payments


The case for open, non-prescriptive payment technology requirements in AFIR