Our Positions
EV charging issues cross many policy areas - Consumer affairs, energy, IT & cyber, automotive, manufacturing, and many more.
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One Step Closer to an Open and Interoperable EU PKI Ecosystem that Ensures Fairness and a Level Playing Field
The ChargeUp Europe vision:
An open and interoperable EU PKI EcoSystem that ensures fairness and a level playing field.
As Plug&Charge becomes more widely available for EV drivers, it is critical that the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security framework underlying these services is developed in a way which ensures the highest level of security, interoperability, and fair competition. The same applies to the EU PKI EcoSystem, and the market rules that should govern it. ChargeUp Europe advocates for EU regulation and governance that ensure that driver choice is prioritised, delivering a level playing field between MSP offers and ensuring that every MSP (third-party, or EV-OEM or CPO-owned) can provide an equal, seamless (in-vehicle) user experience and functionalities for Plug&Charge and no "self-preferencing" occurs whereby the driver is bundled or locked-in to a specific service. Such bundling undermines the ability of EV drivers to choose and can lead to the market being dominated by a small number of large players, reducing competition on innovation, services, and pricing and reducing choice for the driver.
Read the paper here.